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Beating the Records with Financial Records Smart Extraction

The Brief

Aloha Pools, known for its extensive experience and commitment to excellence, recognized the need to enhance its financial management processes to support ongoing growth and improve operational efficiency. To address this, they sought to develop an AI solution capable of extracting financial records from various files, streamlining their auditing and fund release processes.

Understanding the complexity and volume of financial data they handle daily, Aloha Pools aimed to implement an advanced automated system to accurately and efficiently process this information. By leveraging AI technology, they envisioned reducing manual effort, minimizing errors, and speeding up financial workflows, ensuring timely and accurate financial management.

To realise this vision, Aloha Pools partnered with Experience Digital, leveraging their expertise in AI and machine learning to design and implement a cutting-edge solution tailored to their specific needs. This collaboration aimed to transform Aloha Pools’ financial operations, enabling them to uphold their high standards of service while optimizing resource allocation and decision-making processes.

Our Approach

To address Aloha Pools’ need for an efficient financial record extraction system, we adopted a strategic and innovative approach leveraging Azure AI services and the Document Extraction model. Our goal was to streamline their auditing and fund release processes by developing a robust AI solution tailored to their specific requirements. We began by conducting a thorough assessment of Aloha Pools’ financial management processes to understand the existing challenges and identify key requirements, ensuring that the solution would align perfectly with their operational needs and goals.

Our team then worked closely with Aloha Pools to integrate their diverse financial data sources, including invoices, receipts, and transaction records, making sure that all data formats were compatible and prepared for AI processing. Using Azure AI services, we developed a powerful Document Extraction model capable of accurately identifying and extracting relevant financial information from various document types, training the model to recognize specific data points critical for auditing and fund release.

We implemented the AI model into Aloha Pools’ financial workflow, automating the extraction and processing of financial records. This reduced manual intervention, minimized errors, and significantly accelerated financial operations. The solution underwent rigorous testing to ensure accuracy, reliability, and performance, with the AI model fine-tuned based on feedback and validation results to meet the highest standards of precision and efficiency.

Finally, we deployed the AI solution within Aloha Pools’ infrastructure and provided comprehensive training to their staff, ensuring seamless integration and empowering their team to effectively leverage the new technology.

The Outcome

Throughout the project, we worked closely with Aloha Pools to ensure the solution not only met but exceeded their expectations. By leveraging Azure AI services and advanced document extraction technology, we delivered a transformative solution that optimized financial management, improved operational efficiency, and upheld Aloha Pools’ commitment to excellence.


Aloha Pools, a family-owned business with over 55 years of experience, has grown from Lindsay Fell Pty Ltd into a premier swimming pool and spa construction company. With a legacy spanning three generations, they have designed and built over 5,200 pools, mastering the art of tackling complex challenges and developing innovative solutions. Founded by Greg Fell in the 1970s, Aloha Pools has always been committed to making pools accessible to a wider community. Their extensive experience and honed skills guarantee that every pool reflects their dedication and craftsmanship, turning dreams into stunning realities. 1944.

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Enabling businesses to thrive in the Digital Era.

Experience Digital is a trusted national digital software, data, automation, and systems integration house that has vast experience in assisting clients to transition to a digital future.

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